I get this question a lot and it’s a very valid question. If you plan on taking lessons, then the answer is simple. You take lessons and get a club fitting at the same time.
As a golf instructor for the last 30+ years, I would not teach a person with clubs that did not fit them. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t give them lessons. They would just use one of my fitting clubs while they were taking the lessons. If they came to my driving range to practice they were always welcome to use the same club.
All the golf lessons in the world will not prove to be fruitful without having your clubs fit to you. And any good instructor will ensure you are at least using a club that fits you during the lesson.
Let’s look at an example. A tall player comes to take lessons but his clubs are too short and too flat for him. He has “taught himself” to bend over more in an effort to make the ball go straighter. However, this only causes inconsistencies in his game. During his lesson the instructor needs him to get into a better posture and to be able to make an athletic move at the ball. But when he does this, the ball will go straight right because of the lie of the club. Without having golf clubs that fit him he is going to do one of two things. Switch back to what he was doing before or teach himself a different, inconsistent move to force the ball towards the target. Neither of these will make use of what would have otherwise been a good lesson.
For the beginner, you really don’t need a bag full of clubs to get started. And you certainly don’t need Uncle Harry’s old clubs either. Best to start with just one or two clubs that are built just for you, your size, your strength and level of skill. Many leading instructors will start you off with a #7 iron and possibly a Pitching Wedge. Using these two custom clubs, you can start learning a swing that suits your physique. Trying to learn using clubs that don’t fit you will only lead to a lifetime of bad habits.
The top instructors in the area send their customers to our KZG Performance Center for a clubfitting even before their first lesson. They want their students to be able to swing with a proper stance which can only be achieved if the clubs the student is using are fit properly. Good instructors want you to leanr the correct way right from the start.
At the KZG Performance Center we all truly want you to reach your full potential and it is our goal to help you along the way. Stop in to see us and have your current set evaluated. The knowledge you gain from this will be very valuable in your pursuit of golfing perfection.
Brad Whalen